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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

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Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 459-671

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Convergence of Dynamic Iteration Methods for Initial Value Problems

Ulla Miekkala and Olavi Nevanlinna

pp. 459-482

A New Basis Implementation for a Mixed Order Boundary Value ODE Solver

G. Bader and U. Ascher

pp. 483-500

A Simple Computational Scheme for Determining the Sound Speed of an Acoustic Medium from Its Surface Impulse Response

Paul Sacks and Fadel Santosa

pp. 501-520

A Comparison of Iterative Methods as Applied to the Solution of the Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Equation

Logan K. Kuiper

pp. 521-528

An Adaptive Finite Element Method for Steady and Transient Problems

R. E. Benner, Jr., H. T. Davis, and L. E. Scriven

pp. 529-549

A Local Relaxation Method for Solving Elliptic PDEs on Mesh-Connected Arrays

C. -C. Jay Kuo, Bernard C. Levy, and Bruce R. Musicus

pp. 550-573

General Sparse Elimination Requires No Permanent Integer Storage

Randolph E. Bank and R. Kent Smith

pp. 574-584

An Adaptive General Sparse Out-Of-Core Cholesky Factorization Scheme

Joseph W. H. Liu

pp. 585-599

Evaluation of Orderings for Unsymmetric Sparse Matrices

A. M. Erisman, R. G. Grimes, J. G. Lewis, W. G. Poole, Jr., and H. D. Simon

pp. 600-624

Generation of Random Orthogonal Matrices

T. W. Anderson, I. Olkin, and L. G. Underhill

pp. 625-629

On Generalized Cross-Validation for Multivariate Smoothing Spline Functions

Florencio I. Utreras

pp. 630-643

Further Symmetries of in-Place FFTs

William L. Briggs

pp. 644-654

A Continuation Approach for Solving Large-Residual Nonlinear Least Squares Problems

Douglas E. Salane

pp. 655-671